Links to old QUEST Facebook posts, including news and articles of interest in the area of:
School Reform Initiatives
School turnaround bill advances
March 9, 2018
Empowerment zones, the third way, portfolio district.
Senate approves bilingual education measure
July 27, 2017
“Far from a done deal,” but we’re
Massachusetts Parents United: Old Wine in an Empty Bottle
July 12, 2017
Read about Mass. Parents United. Who are
In Some States, Donating to Private Schools Can Earn You a Profit
May 17, 2017
In 12 states, donating to private/parochial schools
PTA Gift for Someone Else’s Child? A Touchy Subject in California
April 10, 2017
Pooling donations from schools across the district
Discrimination Nearly Stalled a Dual-Language Program in Boston
April 9, 2017
Some history on the Haitian-Creole dual language
House makes it official: Vouchers are a no-go
April 6, 2017
Texas House rejected vouchers and similar programs
Privatization schemes are hurting Massachusetts
April 4, 2017
“Eye on Privatization”: watch the video “Privatization
The masquerade of school choice: a parent’s story
April 1, 2017
The Masquerade of School Choice: “Don’t let
New Bedford to pursue “innovation zones”
March 17, 2017
Teachers and administrators working together to create positive changes in schools