What happens if you skimp on $ for inclusion? Read on.
What happens if you skimp on $ for inclusion? Read on.
Early results from new MCAS test aren’t so great. Must mean our schools stink and our teachers aren’t doing their jobs.
“The school-to-prison pipeline is growing for girls. Research shows that girls of color are disproportionately impacted by school discipline policies, which can too often result in long term negative life outcomes,” said City Councilor Ayanna Pressley.
“It is very, very bad for students, teachers, schools and communities to have schools labeled based on a measure that really measures income and not school quality,” state Sen. Patricia Jehlen.
Let’s look at these schools holistically, not just measuring their worth by test scores. Let’s help them succeed, not punish them for any needs they might have.
Fordham Institute states the obvious: DESE measures disadvantage schools with many high-needs students. “Achievement measures are strongly correlated with prior achievement — and given that low-income students tend to enter school far behind their peers, high-poverty schools are likely to fare poorly under such measures, no matter how good the school and its teachers are.”
Here’s a list of schools served by BPS transportation, including BPS, charter and parochial schools. Are the “50 or more bus routes to be cut” equitable across the BPS, charter, and parochial sectors? And which neighborhoods, racial groups and ELL/Special Ed populations will be most affected? Hard to say, as much of this is being planned behind closed doors.
“Far from a done deal,” but we’re getting closer to dismantling English only/”one size fits all” in MA.
Looks what fall will bring: potentially 40 to 50 fewer school buses. 2011 redo?
Hoping for the best here re. BPS food. Thanks to the Citywide Parents Council, educators and others for pushing hard for healthy food for our kids.