BPS budget comes under fire

The Opportunity and Achievement Task Force testified last night: “[We are] opposed to the 2017-2018 budget as it is currently written because it will have a negative impact on the district’s efforts to eliminate opportunity and achievement gaps, particularly for students attending low-performing schools,” said task force member Ayele Shakur, reading from a statement. “By using the current Weighted Student Funding Formula as its foundation, the SY18 budget systematically disinvests in the district’s lowest performing schools that have the greatest needs.”


Cuts spur conversation on weighted school funding

Isn’t something wrong when the schools losing the most money are the ones needing the most help? “The Jackson Mann K-8 school, is a Level 4 school — one level away from triggering state receivership — is due to receive a cut of $1,006,769. Brighton High School, also at Level 4 is due a cut of $1,007,459, in the proposed fiscal year 2018 budget. Those schools are at the top of a list that also includes cuts of $751,748 to the Level 4 Dever School and $190,769 at Boston Latin Academy.”
